Hurricane Preparations for Laboratories

Hurricane Season Preparedness Checklist


When a hurricane threatens, time for preparation may not be available, therefore, the Principal Investigator and/or laboratory director should perform advance planning and preparation appropriate to the specific needs of that laboratory.  The following recommendations are intended to minimize the damage resulting from a hurricane should the integrity of the laboratory structure be compromised.  For a full listing of recommendations, please see the Hurricane Preparedness Checklist for Laboratories document linked above.


1. Secure computers and other laboratory equipment.
2. Back up key data and store off site.
3. Move desks, file cabinets and equipment away from windows. Store as much equipment as possible in closets or windowless rooms away from external walls. DO NOT STORE ITEMS IN CORRIDORS
4. Remove all items from window ledges.
5. Protect books, valuable papers and equipment by covering with plastic sheeting secured with duct tape.
6. Disconnect all electrical equipment. Refrigerators and freezers should be left ON at the coldest setting.


7. If applicable, consider sending critical samples out of the area through pre-existing arrangements with bio-repositories and non-local collaborators/colleagues.
8. Clean all laboratory benches as completely as practical.
9. Confirm that the spill control kit is stocked and its location marked.
10. Store chemicals and biological agents in isolated and windowless rooms. If an isolated windowless room is not available, store chemicals in cabinets or closets that can be locked or secured. Use care when handling and storing chemicals to avoid an accidental release. Chemicals should be segregated based on their compatibility.

For further information on these guidelines, contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at 305-243-3400.
