Industrial Hygiene and Air Quality


  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Hazard Communication
  • Respiratory Protection
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Hearing Conservation Program
  • Chemical Monitoring
  • Asbestos
  • Lead
  • Thermal Stress
  • Confined Spaces

Contact: Raul F. Garcia-Casariego CSP, CHMM @ 305-243-8443

Information on Mold and Humidity in Florida

  • Molds are a natural occurrence in our ecosystem and are common in both the indoor and outdoor environments.
  • To grow, mold only needs a nutrient source, a space conducive for growth and moisture. Tips for prevention include cleaning regularly and addressing leaks or spills as they occur.
  • Set room temperatures to comfortable levels, ideally between 70° and 74°F. Temperatures that are too high or too low may result in temperature gradients that can increase moisture levels.
  • There are no federal testing or exposure limits for mold.
  • In order for mold to amplify (grow) water must be present. This can be in the form of high levels of relative humidity (> 60%) or water activity on building surfaces resulting from leaks, floods or condensation. Leaks and spills should be identified, cleaned and dried in a timely manner.
  • For concerns inside of Student Housing, please visit Housing & Residential Life's Managing Mold & Mildew in Residential Areas page for more information.
  • For concerns in other University of Miami buildings, please reach out to Facilities.
  • More information can be found on the Florida Department of Health website at and the EPA website at

Confined Spaces

Employers whose workers must enter permit-required confined spaces (PRQS), must comply with the provisions of the referenced standard, OSHA 1910.146, which requires completion of an entry permit.  Please complete the confined space entry permit linked below and email it to Raul F. Garcia-Casariego CSP, CHMM.
